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Minggu, 15 Desember 2013



 Larantuka is the capital of East Flores Regency,  East Nusa Tenggara Province.  Nowdays larantuka is still an important connection port to the neighboring island  and the center of the economic activities in East Flores Regency. The border of East Flores following, Flores Sea in North, Sawu Sea in the South, Lembata District in the East and Sikka District in the West.

Most  of the population of East Flores are catholicans  ( 78.85 %), Moslems
 (  20,08%), Protestants ( 0,25%), and Hindu – Budha ( ( 0,10%). Like much region, larantuka has strong colonial Portuguese influence. The historical  fact said that on XV century o lot of trades form Purtuguese visitd Solor and dropped in larantuka.  the trade expedition sailed from Sumatra, Java and Nusa Tenggara to Maluku. They dropped in Flores Island to fill water, brought food and sandalwoods that was popular in trade with China. They also introduce the Catholic Religion to the villagers through the trade expedition. The before the arrival of Portuguse, the local people were animist. They adored cave, trees, big stone ect. They belief was then turned by the Portuguese into Catholic. One of legacy of the Portuguese is Good Friday Procession before Easter. 

East Flores has the tropical climate and has two seasons, the dry seasons (from April / May to October/ November) and the rainy seasons ( from November / December to March / April ).
The  area has been exploited for the plants, ( rise, corn/maize, cassava, peanut and bean), vegetables ( onions, cabbage, carrot, pepper,  eggplant, tomato, stringbean, cucumber and squash).
The fruits plants are banana, orange, mango, papaya, avocado, pineapple and jackfruit. Cashews are the main palns of the plantation and the others area the are cocoa and coconut plantation.

The East Flores District is archipelago district ( East flores, Adonara island. Solor island).  The result of this, that is has various kinds of  natural resources such a unique  and specific ancient, history, culture, art, flora, fauna and marine potential.

BY Air Plane
From Bali ( Denpasar ) to kupang and by Trans Nusa air service fligh to Larantuka every day or flight from  Bali ( Denpasar ) to Maumere or  Labuan Bajo in West of Flores  and drive to larantuka.
If you want to get more travel experience  you can choose  to take a AWU  - PELNI  ( National  ship passenger service ), boat from Benoa  to Ende  - Maumere  - larantuka.  There are also SIRIMAU – PELNI from Jakarta -  Semarang – Batu Licin ( Kalimantan ) – Ujung Padang – larantuka, twice a mount.
 The others choose of transportation is Ferry  from kupang to larantuka ( every Thursday )

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